Arranging a survey is one of the key steps to successfully completing any project or works across Heat Networks.
A survey at the beginning of a project can help to identify any future (potentially costly) headaches in your network, this can include testing your networks signal strength, ensuring scheme efficiencies, and ensuring your network meets regulation.
There are various surveys you may require.
Most topical in the industry currently being the Cost Effectiveness Tool surveys which requires Heat Network operators to meet the following deadlines:
(To learn more, view our Webinar: Heat networks & cost effectiveness assessments, a helping hand!)
Sycous have provided services and support to care homes, local authorities and housing associations working to complete the cost effectiveness tool over the past year. We also partner with a small number of consultants who can provide independent and expert support on all aspects of heat networks.
Following changes to regulation we’ve also completed hundreds of bulk meter surveys, providing detailed reports on where best to install bulk metering and how to complete these with minimal disruption to the wider network by utilising clamp-on meters.
Alternative surveys may be required where heat networks have been installed some time ago.
These surveys produce an in-depth understanding of the current set up. Where metering equipment is already installed, Sycous test the metering equipment with the aims to utilise pre-existing metering. Where metering equipment is not installed, or the current meters have become obsolete, our experts can provide detailed information regarding the requirements to install or upgrade the equipment. We consider which metering equipment is most suitable for the network, how and where this will be installed, additional requirements and proactive consideration to ensuring a smooth install and how to mobilise the project with minimum disruption to the residents.
Investigative surveys are a key element of ongoing maintenance.
For network issues where data communication is interrupted, we can survey and troubleshoot as part of a maintenance process. We test the signal of equipment across site installations, giving our experts the information required to provide guidance on where to relocate equipment to, or if necessary, where to add further equipment i.e. repeaters.
Surveys can also provide key information for project proposals...
...which allow us to gain accurate onsite information to provide a cost for your project, enabling you to accurately budget your project ahead. This proactive process enables the client and Sycous to begin the project prepared, identifying problem areas before they become a problem and avoiding costly errors and corrections later on.
Sycous are also partnered with multiple manufacturers within the industry!
This has resulted in our team receiving first-hand training on equipment. A key part of the training we undertake surrounds specific surveys such as Elvaco Data Collection units, Guru Networks and Secure Liberty surveys. One of the largest considerations to equipment location is the signal strength of data communication, as a billing provider, we understand the importance of being able to receive the data from metering equipment with minimal disruption. We complete comprehensive signal strength surveys to ensure the communication is robust from the beginning.
Whether you’re surveying for regulation or proactively planning for your project ahead, our product and solution experts are here to help and advise!