Our Maintain solutions are designed to respond effectively to issues, maximising the useful life of your assets, as well as complying with best practice and regulatory requirements.
We provide a flexible solution for 24/7 repair and maintenance across the UK, covering all heat networks and private utility networks. This can include simply meters, AMR and data collection maintenance, through to HIU, property and other infrastructure.
All our Maintain solutions are available on an all-inclusive or schedule-of-rate basis, allowing you to manage and control your repair and maintenance costs.
Our maintenance options are designed to offer scheduled or planned maintenance regimes in line with manufacturer, best practice and regulatory requirements.
This service is designed to maximise the useful life of installed assets, ensure they are working safely as well as ensuring the security of the installed system.
We develop our maintenance schedules around your assets and equipment providing either time based, such as scheduled annual maintenance, or event based where our data analytics or validation has recommended scheduled maintenance occurs, such as well the efficiency of a system is seen to be reducing.
Alongside monitoring for potential issues to initiate proactive responsive maintenance, our team are available 24/7 to response to faults affecting consumers, such as leaks and no supply.
Our team are available to respond directly to consumer reports of issues, or reports made via a repair contact centre, as well as verifying the report to avoid incorrect responses such as where no supply is down to no credit being available on a PAYG unit.
All our works are undertaken to agreed response and repair times, alongside other KPI’s. Consumers additionally benefit from our IT solutions with timed appointments, appointment reminders and next job notifications so they know when the engineer is due to attend.
Once a repair is complete a job report is emailed, alongside all supporting information including customer signature and satisfaction to you, or your nominated repairs provider.