OEM, or original equipment manufactures, and other manufacturers are increasingly looking towards partnerships across the heat network industry, especially for heat interface units (HIU’s) who are looking to include heat meters, sensors and other services as part of their market offering.

Challenges Faced

A heat meter provides an additional layer of complexity beyond simply supplying a box. There needs to be the ability to be able to access the data and undertake ongoing services.

This is a move away from the traditional role as a box-shifter and instead supports the role of a service provider, with support required to ensure customers and sales channels are supported.

The requirement to be able to sell a HIU solution, inclusive of a meter, without reducing sales channels with closed-protocol hardware or other limited solutions is essential.

Sycous Solutions

Sycous offer a robust range of Metering Hardware from leading manufacturers, as well as employing a team of experts who can provide in-depth support for all the hardware we supply and support.

The partnerships our commercial team have in place allow access to exclusive pricing, training and support arrangements.

We provide both remote and on-site support, ensuring any issue can be quickly managed and resolved, as well as providing training for contractors and others in correct installation.

Additionally, we can arrange for services and product alterations such as rebranding of meters and the addition of other organisation specific services for batch and serial product identification.